Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Bumbo in the tub!!

Thanks to Sara P who got this grate idea to put Max in his bumbo in the tub with his sister. Well last night I tried it with Kristófer and he loved it! He could play with his toys in the tub and sit there splashing with his feet. I love it too so we will definitely keep on doing it. Here are some pics :)

And here he is after bathtime :)



  1. That is a great idea! He's so cute!

  2. What a great idea. The bumbo is perfect for the tub.

  3. I just gave mine away a couple of weeks ago, wish I still had it . That's a great idea. Love him in his towel.

  4. he is so cute, love the pictures:) im glad it works for him too:)

  5. Great idea, I am going to try it. My daughter will love sharing the tub with her brother.

  6. Hi, to get a blankie go to and fill out a form. Or just click on the blankie pic in the right hand corner of Jaxsons blog:)

  7. Coming by way of TUC! I'm a Social Worker with a daughter who is 10 with DS. Come on by! Your baby is delicious!

  8. What a cutie! We put Addy in the tub with her Bumbo too, best invention ever!

  9. what a great idea! i'm going to try that with my little man ;)

  10. thanks for posting this pic! I stumbled upon it 'cause I was looking for moms who had put the bumbo in the tub ( I know it says not to, but it seems so perfect for it!) now that I've seen how well it works, I'll be doing it too!!
