Saturday, October 30, 2010

Almost walking and loving the TV!

Now Kristofer is 20 months old and my litle one that got the name Hildur Emelía 4 months, time flies!! Hildur is my mothers name and she was very proud that her grandchild got her name.....but she also told me that she felt old about it hahahaha....o well! Her christening was very memorable, the priest was so tense and kind of "out of it" with litlebit of alzheimer so the ceromony was repeated two times! and we said the same prayer 3 times in a row! I had to try to behave myself not to laugh out loud up at the altar but the hole church was! but at last she got her name and we will never forget this day.

Well Kristofer still likes his sister a lot and thinks she is very interested and wants to pat her head and say aaahhhhh all the time it is the cutest! Kristofer is now walking against all the furniture and is standing up almost everywere, this is such a big step and I'm so proud, all of a sudden he got so big when he starting doing this, and is not only crawling on his bum all the time. And now we are hoping that he will start walking around christmas, but kristofer is so careful that he will not do that until he is 100% save on his feet, we know he can do it already because he has been on his own for few seconds and the time he realized it he falls on his bum.....but hopefully sooner then later cause I'm getting kind of tired carrying the both of them all over the place.

He has also gotten very interested in the TV and is standing almost IN the TV and pointing at it, not so popular with the parents!

Kristófer watching TV

Kristofer is doing so well at his kindergarten he just started Early Behavioral Intervention that is usually used on children with autism but is working so well, he is only the second baby with Down syndrome here in Iceland that get this training and we are so happy with the outcome so far, the other boy that had it at his kindergarten stopped using a diaper at age of 3!! and he knows all the letters in the alphabet and a hole lot more. Kristofer is doing very well and is starting to say so many words and I think he knows around 30 signs. He is already making his number 2 in his potty almost every night so we se what will be.

Well it´s been a while since I wrote something on here last time so I wanted to write few lines about what has been happening over here in Iceland.

Here are some pictures of my beautiful angels :)

It´s starting to get cold over here in Iceland.....Im so not ready for it! but I look forward to christmas !!!

Kristofer and Hildur Emelia

Kristofer walking

Hildur Emelia

Hildur Emelia with my mother Hildur at her Christianing day